In der aktuellen Ausgabe des „Austrian Journal of Southeast Asian
Studies“ dreht sich alles um Ernährungssouveränität in Südostasien.
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Aus dem Editorial:

In Southeast Asian societies, food has always been at the center of diverse forms of contestation over access to land and other productive means, food selfsufficiency, and quality as well as food-based identities.
Political struggles and socio-economic differentiation in terms of food production, distribution, and consumption have dramatically intensified in the region. This has mainly been caused by enduring periods of agrarian reform, rapid global market integration, as well as processes of industrialization and urbanization in countries traditionally characterized as peasant societies.
The region’s pathway of Green Revolution technology and concurrent regional and international trade liberalization have gradually and comprehensively led to growing social inequalities and agrarian differentiation. The interests and life-worlds of small-scale producers, landless people, fisher folk, and consumers seem to be threatened by the corporate food regime which favors large-scale and capital-and knowledge-intensive industrial food production.

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